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Arizona Audit Partial Results: The press is lying about the Arizona audit alleging it found Biden won.  This is a blatant lie.  To the contrary, the audit found MASSIVE FRAUD!  Just an analysis of the Maricopa envelopes alone showed 17,322 double votes.  This is already way more than the margin of victory, which means the election must be decertified.  Yet, there is more.  The audit found 57,000 more illegal ballots!  Keep in mind, this is just Maricopa County, as there are more counties in Arizona which would have similar fraud.  Also keep in mind, they haven't even done signature verification which is where most of the fraud lies, which would be in the hundred of thousands of illegal votes!  Finally, keep in mind this does not even include the forensic results which are yet to come out.  The forensic results are also going to show massive fraud because auditors have already said they saw photocopied ballots on thin paper with machine filled in bubbles!  The audit also found the person that deleted the servers, which is a felony, and have referred that person to the Attorney General.  Why delete data if everything was clean?  The Arizona audit is rock solid evidence the election was a sham and was full of fraud.  The graphic below helps to visualize just how much fraud there was.  The circle on the lower right shows the margin of victory in red, which is basically impossible to see becuase it is so thin.  Yet, the other graphics clearly show how much fraud in red was already discovered.


Election Fraud Proven in Pima County, Arizona

This link includes a video by Dr. Shiva where he proves election fraud occurred in Pima County.  It is real simple to understand - you can't have over 100% mail-in ballots returned then sent out.  There is no explanation for this other than election fraud.  But it gets worse, watch the video to understand the fish tail where the vote differential of Trump versus Biden drastically switch when "voter turnout" goes above 90%.  You know what explains this...good old fashioned ballot stuffing!  But they screwed up, because they stuffed more ballots then were sent out.  This one video presentation alone proves the Arizona election was a sham and should be decertified! 

Partial Canvass in Arizona Finds Massive Fraud

More evidence the 2020 election was a sham.  This latest report is from Arizona, but it NOT the highly anticipated forensic audit.  Rather, this is from a different group that did a partial canvassing, where they go around and ask people if they voted and how they voted.  Then they can compare the answers with the Secretary of State data to see if it matches up...which it should....BUT DOESN'T!  Based on their partial canvass, they can determine that there are 173k lost votes and 96k ghost votes.  Meaning 173k people voted but were never counted, and 96k voters voted but don't exist.  This is all in a state where Joe Biden won by 10k.  So there are 269k fraudulent votes in AZ!!!  I would be willing to bet that the Maricopa Country forensic audit will show about the same differential of fraud.  Anyone who claims there is no evidence of a stolen election is a flat out liar!!!

CHEAT METHOD 1: Flipping Votes on Live TV

Watching the CNN feed on election night, you can see for yourself 19,958 votes being removed from Donald Trump and added to Beijing Biden.  This one vote flip alone is a net change of 39,916 votes.  Votes are never to be removed from a candidate, let alone given to an opponent.  There is no rational explanation for this other than election fraud.  This is just one of many similar videos proving electronic vote flipping occurred on a massive scale.  For more examples, the link below shows a total of 373,599 votes being stolen from Trump.  Keep in mind, these are just the stolen votes before and after a ticker update.  It is likely dramatically more votes were stolen between ticker updates such that we never saw them.

CHEAT METHOD 2: Stuffing the Ballot Box on Video

Late night Atlanta on election night, after poll watchers were sent home due to a fake water main break you can see for yourself election workers pull from under a black clothed table boxes full of secret Biden ballots.  These Biden ballots are then run through the machines again and again.  The corrupt press wants you to naively believe that everything on this video is normal, but your common sense says otherwise.  This is election fraud caught on video.

CHEAT METHOD 3: Fake Ballots Caught on Security Camera

Around 3 am in Detroit on election night, numerous witnesses gave affidavits that they saw a white van deliver thousands upon thousands of Biden-only ballots.  These witnesses were called liars by the corrupt press.  Now you can see the video yourself that The Gateway Pundit received from the TCF Center.  These fraudulent ballots were received after the deadline and in the bottom basement of the TCF Center without any chain of custody.  All of these ballots legally should have been disqualified.  Once again the corrupt press doesn't want you to believe your own eyes and says all of this is normal.

CHEAT METHOD 4: Fake Voters

The old fashioned way of election fraud consists of using dead voters, out-of-state voters, illegal alien voters, too-young voters and felon voters.  Yet, it is impossible to catch this fraud when there is no signature verification.  To date not a single state has allowed an independent audit to actually take place to verify signatures.  Some States claim an audit was done, but secretly recounting fake ballots just returns the same fake result.  Why won't these States let independent auditors see the ballots?  Because it would expose the massive fraud that occurred in the 2020 election.  Transparency is absent.

CHEAT METHOD 5: Print Fake Ballots

When all else fails, just print a bunch of fake ballots.  Witnesses have come forward saying that they saw thousands of ballots with no creases which were all pre-filled out for Crooked Joe.  However, there is an easy way to spot such fake ballots taught by Jovan Pulitzer.  Yet, no one will let Mr. Pulitzer do a simple test on these ballots.  Why not?   

Statistical Impossibilities of Late Night Ballot Dumps 

It is statistically impossible for any candidate to get 98% of votes from 1,000 votes, let alone from over 100,000 votes. This is as clear cut as election fraud ever gets.  Yet, on election night Joe Biden got massive vote dumps over 100k votes in Michigan, Minnesota and Georgia. Remember, these vote dumps match up to the videos you just saw in Georgia and Michigan.   

The Drop and Roll

After you dump 100,000 fraudulent ballots, you have to keep cheating or else Trump might once again pull ahead.  This is what is called the Drop and Roll where you have to maintain Biden's illegal lead. 

Biden Wins Just 1 of 17 Bellwether Counties


Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016 both won 17 of 17 Bellwether counties.  Yet this time around we are supposed to believe that Biden won the Presidential election with just one Bellwether county.  It is beyond clear Biden cheated. 

Antrim County Audit Showed 68% Error Rate

When the results in the heavily Republican Antrim County showed a massive win for Biden, the public knew something was wrong. After looking into it, election officials pretended it was a simple clerical error. However, an actual audit showed the error was on purpose due to a 68% error rate for adjudication. Oh, and by the way, the adjudication logs were all deleted which is yet another crime.

New Hampshire Audit Finds Republicans Shafted 6%

The rare times a partial audit is performed, it keeps showing massive fraud.  This time each Republican lost 300 votes, which in each district was a 6% error rate.  Now imagine this 6% error being statewide, and then imagine this 6% being across the entire United States.  

Preventing Poll Watchers from Poll Watching

There are literally hundreds of videos showing poll watchers being prevented from seeing what was happening.  Windows were boarded up and poll watchers were kicked out of buildings.  There is no reason to exclude poll watchers from doing their job other than fraud.  This election was brazenly stolen right before our eyes and nothing was done to stop the steal.  By law each vote must be witnessed by both a Republican and Democrat poll watcher, but the law was ignored to steal the 2020 Presidential election.  

Shredded Ballots Found in Arizona

Arizona is close to doing the first real forensic audit.  Recently ballots from the 2020 election were found shredded in the garbage.  The fraudsters know it is better to destroy the evidence rather than let the evidence be discovered.  

Over 1,000 People Came Forward Witnessing Election Fraud

When the corrupt press accused Trump of being a Russian spy, all they had as evidence was a phony Dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton.  Not one person signed an affidavit alleging they had evidence of Trump being a Russian spy.  To the contrary, to date over 1,000 people have come forward who witnessed election fraud and election tampering.  Yet, the corrupt press mocks and ridicules these patriots for telling the truth.  

Republicans Win All Toss-Up House Seats Yet Trump Somehow Loses?

It defies all logic and reason that the Republicans won every contested seat in the House yet Trump lost.  This has never happened in our history as the top of the ticket always drives election turnout.  The real reason the corrupt Democrats didn't cheat all Republicans is because then the RINO Republicans would actually do something about the fraud.  

Republican Leadership Must be Removed

Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and Liz Cheney must all be removed from the Republican party.  These fake Republicans do not stand for conservative positions and are indeed part of the swamp that needs to be drained.  Furthermore, all of the Senators and Congressmen that voted for either of the two phony impeachments of President Trump must be removed.  The RINOs thought that they could throw Trump out of the GOP and the GOP voters would still be there supporting Republican leadership.  They are wrong!  

The Courts Are Corrupt

Election Fraud Deniers will claim that the courts already looked at the evidence and threw the cases out. This is false. Not a single court was willing to look at the evidence but instead refused to even take the cases.  The courts said you can't sue before the election because there is no case or controversy.  Yet, after the election the courts said the issue was moot.  So you are screwed either way.  This is the corruption of the federal courts from dishonest judges, many of which Trump himself appointed.  Trump was tricked by McConnell to appoint Federalist Society judges who were loyal to McConnell and not loyal to the rule of law.  The failure of the courts to take on these cases shows the massive depth of the corruption of the American government from the Executive Branch to the Judicial Branch.   


Lawsuit Over Antrim County Shows Fraud

Nothing to see here...other than voting machines allegedly impossible to connect to the Internet actually connecting to the Internet, 6 degree polynomials manipulating votes, defendants destroying evidence and actual vote flipping occurring. Other than that, this was the cleanest election in history!

A special thanks goes out to The Gateway Pundit for finding and publishing all the election fraud news - you are great American Patriots.

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